On this episode, Alex is discussing an animal that’s relatively small, but has one of the most powerful punches in the animal kingdom. Their punch isn’t the only thing that makes them unique because they have senses that put ours to shame. So, join Alex as he dives into the ocean to talk about mantis shrimp.
“Despite their small size, mantis shrimp are actually really intelligent. They maintain their memory of other individuals using sight and smell.”

- Mantis shrimp: crustacean
- All about Squilla empusa, the American mantis shrimp
- Oratosquilla oratoria
- Peacock Mantis Shrimp
- Mantis Shrimp Facts
- Mantis Shrimp: Squilla empusa
- Mantis Shrimp
- The Mantis Shrimp: Reproduction
- Maxilliped: invertebrate anatomy
- Mantis Shrimp
- Mantis Shrimp Facts (Stomatopoda)
- Mantis Shrimp: Communication using a secret, polarized light language
- Why Mantis Shrimp Send Secret Messages Using Twisted Light
- Mantis Shrimp Settle Fights With Flurries of Light Blows, Not Haymakers
- Boxing Mantis Shrimp Prefer Flurry of Hits Over Knockout Punches
- Mantis Shrimp
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