This week’s episode features an animal that is almost as intelligent as humans. Alex sits down with special guest, Leif Cocks, Founder of The Orangutan Project. He is a passionate campaigner for orangutans and has worked with them for almost 30 years. So, grab your notebook and get ready to learn about one of our tree climbing cousins: orangutans.
“Being intelligent is not necessarily a good adaptation because the brain is very calorie hungry…We’re all intelligent in a way that makes sense to our survival.“ – Leif Cocks

About Our Guest: Leif Cocks

The Orangutan Project was established in 1998 by founder and world-renowned orangutan expert, Leif Cocks, as a result of his almost 30 year career working with orangutans. Leif is a passionate campaigner for orangutans and has been the leader of The Orangutan Project since its inception.
Leif’s years in the field have earned him respect within the conservation field. He has been a key player in developing conservation plans for orangutans and influencing positive change for orangutan protection and survival. This includes the first ever successful reintroduction of the zoo-born orangutan. This respect has given The Orangutan Project world standing in conservation.A small population biologist and curator by trade; Leif has several academic qualifications, including a Masters of Science studying orangutans. He is a seasoned public speaker and has published several papers on orangutans in peer-reviewed journals. Leif is also the author of the books Orangutans and their Battle for Survival (2002) and, Amazon best seller, Orangutans My Cousins, My Friends(2016) and Finding our Humanity (2019).