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This week, we’re talking about an ocean animal that has some extremely unique adaptations. A lot of people love these animals, partly because it always looks like they’ve got a smile on their face. However, their populations are increasingly declining. Alex got to bring Suzanne Steinert, Founder of the Beluga Whale Alliance, to teach us all about them and their conservation. So, make sure you bundle up, because we’re heading to freezing cold waters to talk about beluga whales.
“It always takes a village to save a species.“ – Suzanne Steinert

About Our Guest: Suzanne Steinert

Suzanne Steinert leads efforts to support the local and global conservation of beluga whales for the nonprofit Beluga Whale Alliance (BWA). BWA’s current main focus in its home region of Cook Inlet, Alaska is encouraging the recovery of Alaska’s critically endangered Cook Inlet belugas.