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What is a pangolin? What is causing them to be endangered? This week, Alex sits down with Huyen Nguyen, a researcher for Save Vietnam’s Wildlife, who knows these animals inside and out. Follow Alex and Huyen as they take you to the forests of Africa and Asia to answer all your questions.
“Pangolins have poor eyesight and hearing. They rely much on their acute olfactory sense [or sense of smell]. They use their excellent sense of smell to forage and get away from dangers.” – Huyen Nguyen

About Our Guest: Huyen Nguyen
Huyen Nguyen is a young field researcher at Save Vietnam’s Wildlife with more than three years working in wildlife conservation. Driven by her love for nature, she has been working hard to protect endangered animals in Vietnam. She took part in preventing illegal wildlife trade after graduating with a BSc of Environmental Science and now specializes in field research which focus on conserving pangolins and other small carnivores in tropical forests.

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